Inventing the URL and the Web

Click here for HTML Tags History (archived) HTML1 to HTML5 by Martin Rinehart

Looking back in 1998

HTML History (Wikipedia) Berners-Lee considered HTML to be an application of SGML, an Internet-based hypertext system, writing its browser and server software in late 1990. 

Click here for that first web site in Geneva in 1992, the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire i.e. European Council for Nuclear Research, commonly known as CERN, a provisional body originally founded in 1952 with the mandate of establishing a world-class fundamental physics research organization in Europe.

Click here for a List of websites founded before 1995 on Wikipedia

Links re the URL How url-started-as-udi-conversation and the URL

Wikipedia and the URL

The Query_string, a fundamental part of the URL

What is the difference between URI and URL
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier. URL is a subset of URI that specifies where a resource exists and the mechanism for retrieving it. A URI is a superset of URL that identifies a resource either by URL (Location) or URN (Name) or both.

A URL in early HTML Version 1 was called a UDI (Universal Document Identifier) before March 1992, and followed by a "?" and its <searchpart> in the case of an Index document, later called a Query String.

An early (1993) draft of the HTML Specification referred to "Universal" Resource Locators. This was dropped some time between June 1994 (RFC 1630) and October 1994 (draft-ietf-uri-url-08.txt).

So now it is Uniform Resource Locator after HTML Version 2

Early Discussions in 1992

Extract from archive (archived page)

To query a document (at the web server) by providing a single-line text input in a page, the HTML <isindex> tag, a somewhat "Boolean" statement, was employed in 1991, informing the reader that the document is an index document that supported keyword searches.
e.g. <isindex prompt = "Search your document here" />

The list of the pages that matched with the query, was sent by the server in return. This tag was preferably placed within the <head> tag. The HTML form <input> tag is used nowadays to serve the same purpose.

Further Talk Pages from November-December 1992
1992NovDec Web Page

Click Here for Web Page 42 by KHoadley on 13 Nov 1992

Click Here for Web Page 43 on 13 Nov 1992, an early page suggesting a system of input tags

Click Here Web Page 44 on 16 Nov 92 by Tim Berners Lee suggesting an <action> attribute (for a URL) as part of the isindex command

<isindex prompt = "Search your document here" action="/action_page.html"> 

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