Five Offerings in Leviticus

  1. Burnt Offering: Surrender my whole life to the Lord, to hand it over as an offering that "ascends".
  2. Meal Offering i.e. with no blood involved, but the grain has been crushed in the mill (of humility): All my talents, all that I now am and have while I live, I submit to the Lord.
  3. Peace Offering: Thanks and worship for his acceptance of us in Christ, for safety and completion, for how everything works together for good for those that love him.
  4. Sin Offering: For when I don't do what I should, for when I blow it.
  5. Trespass Offering: For doing the thing I should not, the specific wrong thing that I did.

And Christ is the basis in all our offerings, as John the Baptist said, that he (Christ) must increase, and I must decrease.

Further background: