Fees (and other old Anglo-Saxon words)

The Old English word is feoh "livestock, cattle, movable property, possessions in livestock, goods, or money, riches, treasure, wealth, money as a medium of exchange or payment," from Proto-Germanic *fehu (source also of Old Saxon fehu, Old High German fihu, German Vieh "cattle," Gothic faihu "money, fortune"). This is from PIE *peku- "cattle" (source also of Sanskrit pasu, Lithuanian pekus "cattle" Latin pecu "cattle," pecunia "money, property").
Proto-Indo-European language (PIE), the hypothetical ancestor of Indo-European languages

In John 4:12, see the Latin word for livestock "pecora" in Jerome's Latin Vulgate. Interestingly in Italy, pecora has become the modern word for Sheep.
While the Latin (and Italian) word for Cattle is Vacca.

Via Anglo-French came the legal senses "estate in land or tenements (immovable holdings)" 1300
Fee-simple (late 14c.) "absolute ownership", as opposed to fee-tail (early 15c.) "entailed ownership".

Feudal tenant, Feodary (late 14c)
Land owned by other (Old High German andar, Gothic anþar "second, other").
Feudal system attested from 1736.
Feudalism, a coinage of historians, from 1773.

Cattle, Chattels, Capital, Captain - Latin Capo - Head.

"Earth" from Old English eorþe Old High German erda, German Erde. Planet from 1400.

"Yard" "patch of ground around a house," Old English geard "fenced enclosure, garden, court, residence, house" from Proto-Germanic *gardan-

"Proper", "Property" From early 14c. as "belonging or pertaining to oneself, individual, intrinsic" from Latin proprius

"Forward" (adv.) Old English forewearde "toward the front"

"Food, fodder" from Germanic *fod- from PIE *pat-, Latin Pascare "to graze, pasture, feed," pastor "shepherd," literally "feeder" "Panis" - Bread.

"Bread" in German "Brot" is perhaps derived from the word "Brew" or more likely "Broken" and eaten - in Latin "edo" - with your "Brothers".

"Fecund" from Latin fecundus (“fertile”), fruitful, which is related to fētus and fēmina (“woman”). "Fe" - to bear,suckle. "Mina,Mna" - Count

"Female" (n.) early 14c., from Old French femelle "woman, female" (12c.), from Latin femella "young female, girl,"
Compare Latin masculus, also a diminutive - see masculine, diminutive of mas (genitive maris) "male person, male". Spelling of femelle altered late 14c. in erroneous imitation of male.

c. 1200, lafdi, lavede, from Old English hlæfdige (Northumbrian hlafdia, Mercian hlafdie) from hlaf-loaf and dey.
Old English dey, dæge "female servant, woman who handles food in a household, housekeeper". Related to dough.

mid-13c., laverd, loverd, from Old English hlaf-ord from weard "keeper, guardian".

"Decent" from Latin decere - fitting, suitable, acceptable

"Kind" from Kin (family)

"Free" from Old English "Freo, noble, joyful" from Proto-Germanic *friaz "beloved, not in bondage" (source also of Old Frisian fri, Old Saxon vri, Old High German vri, German frei, Dutch vrij, Gothic freis), from PIE *priy-a- "dear, beloved".

Related to the morning star, Venus, called Freyr in Old Norse, or Frauya in the old Gothic Bible when translating the words
"Not every one that says to me, Lord, Lord" — "Frauja, Frauja" in Matthew 7:21.

"Friend" from Old English "freond, one attached to another by feelings of personal regard and preference"

c. 1300 "free, liberal, generous" 1540s, "outspoken" from Old French franc "free (not servile), without hindrance, exempt from, sincere, genuine, open, gracious, generous, worthy, noble, illustrious" (12c.), from Medieval Latin francus "free, at liberty, exempt from service" as a noun, "a freeman, a Frank".

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